*Artwork by: Titus Smith
*Artwork by: Titus Smith
We want you to tell people about the Lord and His church.
Why is this Expected?
Jesus’ model for the church requires saved people to save people!
Matthew 28:18-20 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
How We Want to Help You Meet this Expectation:
TAG (Talk About God): an event we offer each year during fall break to high school students interested in learning how to lead their friends to the Lord.
Mission Trips (high school students only):
El Salvador: this trip takes place each year during the week of Spring Break. A large mission team from Mt. Juliet goes and runs a medical clinic, feeds the hungry, takes time for children, leads Bible studies, and assists the local church.
West Virginia: Each summer a team of students heads to West Virginia to put on a Vacation Bible School for a local congregation.
Stateside Campaign: Another summertime mission work opportunity comes when the Mt. Juliet church heads somewhere else to seek and save the lost. We knock doors, looking for those looking for the Lord, and do everything that we can to help local congregations reach their community.
We also purposely plan events on the youth calendar each year designed to be perfect opportunities to bring friends that may or may not be connected to a church. Events like:
Monday Night Madness: These events take place on Monday nights in the summer time and provide great opportunities for Christian fellowship.
Fwednesday: Friend + Wednesday = Fwednesday! We host these once a quarter on Wednesday nights, and encourage everybody to bring a friend. We start around 5:30 and eat some food, play some games and have a guest speaker; great night to bring friend a friend for the first time!
Retreats: Offered in the fall and in the spring.
Church camp: Offered the first full week in June.
Lots more opportunities but you get the idea!